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SADC Technical Committee Meeting


Summary of Deliberations

Meeting of the SADC Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation (TCCA) held on 31 October – 01 November 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa

  1. The SADC Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation (TCCA) held a meeting from 31st October – 01st November 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The meeting was preceded by a capacity building workshop on alignment to the SADCQF, on 30th October 2019.
  1. The meeting was chaired by Namibia, which was the outgoing chair, as the current chair (United Republic of Tanzania) and incoming chair (Mozambique) were not in attendance. A concern pertaining to participation in meetings by the current chair was raised, and Secretariat was requested to make follow-ups with the United Republic of Tanzania and Mozambique.
  1. The meeting was attended by, Senior Officials, Chief Executive Officers and Directors of national institutions responsible for certification and accreditation of education and skills training, from the following Member States: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Eswatini, Lesotho, Mauritius, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the SADC Secretariat. The Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA) was invited to make a presentation on the quality management of continuing education project.
  1. Regional Visa: The Secretariat made a presentation on the Proposal and analysis report for a Regional Visa for Students, Academics, Researchers and Scientists. The meeting resolved that Member States provide feedback to Secretariat by Friday 15, November 2019. In considering the proposal Member States should take into account the following:
  2. i) Challenges foreseen,
  3. ii) Feasibility of the recommendations

iii) Make any other additional recommendations.

  1. Updates on the policy and guidelines for the quality management of Continuing Education: SARUA represented by Prof Martin Oosthuizen made a presentation on Continuing Education (CE) project funded partially by UNITAR and PAGE from TCCA members. The project is related to quality assurance mechanism for CE and would consider ways of ensuring appropriate regional input and alignment with regional and global goals and to request placement of the issue on the agenda of the Ministers meeting of 2020. Members noted the presentation and recommended that the project be harmonised with others within the region.
  1. The meeting also noted progress on the six implementation programmes of the SADC Qualifications Framework (SADCQF) namely:
  1. a) Governance: Botswana continues to support the SADC Secretariat in the implementation of the SADCQF until 31st March 2020. Zimbabwe will take up the role effective 1st April 2020. The Funding Proposal was approved at the Minister’s meeting and Secretariat was directed to engage with International Cooperating Partners (ICPs). Additionally, it was indicated that the Secretariat should expedite filling of the Programme Officer post for Education Sector to ensure continued implementation of the SADCQF.
  1. b) Alignment: South Africa presented an update on the Alignment programme and the meeting noted that out of the eight pilot Member States so far two (South Africa and Seychelles) have aligned to the SADCQF. The Seychelles Alignment Report was adjudicated and approved during the meeting. South Africa further updated on the Alignment Capacity Building workshop aimed at assisting the six Member States who have not submitted their alignment reports for finalisation. There were three roll-out Member States being Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe. The following Member States committed to submit their Alignment Reports within agreed timelines for discussion at TCCA EXCO in June 2020; Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mauritius, Namibia and Zambia.
  1. c) Quality Assurance: Botswana as the coordinating Member State reported progress on the Quality Assurance programme. All the pilot Member States have submitted up to date responses to the questionnaire. In addition to these, Mauritius has submitted their report which will be incorporated and analysed in the final report. It was further reported that the planned Capacity Building with UNESCO-IIEP, DAAD, SAQAN and BQA was successfully completed. The meeting resolved that other opportunities for capacity building should be sought. Additionally, it was agreed that Botswana develop an implementation plan for continued support on QA.
  1. d) Advocacy and Communication: Zambia provided an update on the advocacy and communication programme aimed at creating awareness and publicity of the SADCQF. The meeting urged Member States to continuously provide updates and information to create awareness on the SADCQF. Member States were also requested to provide Social Media contacts to facilitate continuous advocacy and communication on SADCQF issues.
  1. e) Verification: Eswatini presented an update on the verification activities and the meeting noted updates on Recognition Manual, e-Certificate, and the Mobility Statistics. On e-certificate, it was reported that there was slow progress as only South Africa had started the implementation. Zambia reported that they have since entered into a contract with a service provider and Botswana will be engaging a different supplier. On Mobility Statistics, Member States were urged to submit statistics as per set timelines. 
  1. f) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CATS) and Articulation: Namibia presented a progress report on the status of RPL, CATS and Articulation in the nine English-speaking Member States which had responded to the RPL questionnaire. Members noted that the questionnaire was yet to be translated into the other SADC official languages. The meeting also noted that the process of recruiting a consultant to finalise the CATS Guidelines was at an advanced stage.
  1. Seychelles Alignment Report: The meeting considered the adjudication of the Seychelles Alignment Report and approved it.
  1. Review of the TCCA Terms of Reference (ToRs): The meeting reviewed the TCCA ToRs and resolved that the draft will be shared within a week with members and tabled at the next meeting for approval.
  1. Update on the Ministers’ meeting decisions: The meeting received an update on the Ministers’ meeting decisions that took place in Windhoek, Namibia in June 2019. The following were approved:
  • The Funding Proposal,
  • Revised ToRs of the SADCQVN,
  • Filling of the Programme Officer Position for the Education Sector and
  • Roll-out of alignment to the SADCQF.

The meeting resolved that Secretariat should share the record of the Minister’s meeting with TCCA members by 15 November 2019.

  1. The meeting noted a presentation on the generic ToRs for support to Secretariat and resolved that inputs from the meeting will be made and the final draft shared with TCCA members by 30 November 2019.
  1. The meeting noted feedback from international meetings:

Namibia; Feedback was given that some SADC Member States attended a meeting on the African Continental Qualifications Framework. Additionally, the chair shared the information on the implementation of the SADCQF and the six programmes at the meeting.

South Africa; Hosted an International meeting on Learning Outcomes in June 2019. The meeting resolved that SADC will make an input into the International Handbook on Learning Outcomes.

Zambia; Provided feedback on the AQVN meeting held in October 2019 in Johannesburg. AQVN is on the advisory Board of the ACQF providing another platform through which inputs from the SADC TCCA can be channelled.

Seychelles; The meeting was informed that  the Seychelles National Assembly approved the ratification of the Addis Convention in October 2019.

  1. The meeting considered the venue for TCCA meetings and agreed on Johannesburg, South Africa as the venue for TCCA and TCCA EXCO meetings except for the TCCA EXCO preceding the Ministers meeting which is held at the Member States that is chairing.

13. Next meeting: 7 – 8th May 2020 TCCA in Johannesburg, South Africa. The meeting resolved that the TCCA EXCO meeting which was scheduled for 6th December 2019 be deferred and TCCA EXCO members will agree on a new date.

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