About Zambia Qualifications Authority
The Zambia Qualifications Authority is the custodian of all Zambian qualifications and the reference point for all non-Zambian qualifications. Its goal is to professionally regulate qualifications and promote quality in education, training and employment for all stakeholders through the Zambia Qualifications Framework.
“A credible regulator of national qualifications for comparability”
To manage the Zambia Qualifications Framework (ZQF) to ensure recognition and comparability of qualifications
Core Values
We put the obligations of the Authority above one’s personal interests and conduct ourselves in a manner that is beyond reproach
Team Work
We cooperate with others and work to the best of our abilities, despite any personal conflict that may arise between individuals to foster unity of purpose
We provide superior and meritorious services beyond our clients’ expectations.
We are trustworthy by not revealing or disclosing privileged information to unauthorised persons
Zambia Qualifications Framework
The Authority shall, with the approval of the Minister, develop and implement a National Qualifications Framework for the classification, accreditation, publication and articulation of quality assured national qualifications.
The scope of the Zambia Qualifications Framework (ZQF) comprehensively covers all learning achievements and pathways. The ZQF provides a basis for improving the quality, accessibility, linkages and public or labour market recognition of qualifications within Zambia and internationally.
The ZQF indicates the comparability of different qualifications and how one can progress from one level to another, within and across occupations, industrial sectors, vocational and academic fields.
- Create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements;
- Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education, training and career paths;
- Enhance the quality of education and training;
- Promote education, training and employment opportunities;
- Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation; and
- Develop, foster and maintain an integrated and transparent national framework for the recognition of learning achievements; and ensure that educational qualifications meet appropriate criteria, and are internationally comparable. These are to be achieved by working together with other appropriate authorities in Zambia.
The ZQF integrates three sub-frameworks namely General Education, Trades and Occupation, and Higher Education. It further assigns ten (10) levels of qualifications to the national framework. The ten (10) levels are defined by learning outcomes that are in the form of qualification descriptors. The Qualification Levels, Sub-frameworks and Quality Assurance bodies of the ZQF.
- General and Further Education and Training, covering qualifications from level 1 to 2B;
- Trades and Occupations, catering for qualifications from level 3 to 6; and
- Higher Education, for qualifications from level 7 to 10.

- The revised Zambia Qualifications Framework structure has been prepared;
- ZQF Level Descriptors have been revised;
- Guidelines for the Development of Credit Accumulation and Transfer Systems have been developed to facilitate for the implementation of Credit Accumulation and Transfer in the country;
- The current ZAQA Act No. 8 of 2024 is undergoing review to provide for the implementation of the revised ZQF; and
- Stakeholder consultations on the revised ZAQA Act have been undertaken at national, regional and international levels, to be followed by validation engagements at national level, before consideration by Cabinet.
Education and Training Institutions
ZQFs present opportunities for education and training institutions to:
- become innovative in delivery of education and training, focusing on the attainment of learning outcomes;
- design different education and training modes for different learners,
- introduce flexibility in education and training delivery by being “learner-centered”;
The establishment of the ZQF will present the following advantages to Government:
- Qualifications will act as the “driver” of education and training reforms. This will be achieved through (i) improving the flexibility of education and training systems, (ii) widening participation, and (iii) enhancing the mobility of learners and potential learners.
- An ZQF provides an instrument for making educational and training institutions more accountable for the achievement of learning outcomes.
- An ZQF provides quantitative measures for comparing different national systems.
ZQFs present the following benefits for learners:
- Learners know what they have to know in order to obtain recognition;
- Opportunities for learners to choose their own learning paths, towards a qualification;
- Opportunity for learners to move both vertically and horizontally in the framework;
- Opportunities for life-long learning and;
- Recognition of Prior Learning.
The ZQF presents the following advantages to employers;
- A qualification will represent a known and recognised level of educational attainment and/or skills;
- The employer knows what the learner knows and work assignments can be tailored to the level of knowledge or skills of the employee;
- The wage structure of the company can be rationalised on the basis of attainment of recognised qualifications;
Regional Integration and Trade
ZQFs provide possibilities for enhanced regional (SADC) co-operation through:
- Mobility of skills across the SADC region, as a consequence of increasing cross-border investments and trade;
- Increased ability of companies to operate in different countries of the region, using local skills in each country;
- Enhanced ability to harmonise skills development efforts.
Board Members

Management Team

Annual Reports
Click the cover image to download a PDF of the respective Annual Report
The Zambia Qualification Authority Act No 8 of 2024. An Act enacted to continue the existence of the Zambia Qualifications Authority and re-define its functions; provide for the development and implementation of a National Qualifications Framework; provide for registration of qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework; provide for verification and evaluation of qualifications; and provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.
Guidelines & Policies
The following technical documents can be downloaded:
Human Resource Specialist
ZAQA is currently seeking the services of a suitably qualified person to fill the position of HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST (01)
Overall Responsibilities To facilitate the implementation of human resource policies and strategies and ensure that the human resource as well as the administrative support functions of the Authority work efficiently and effectively.
Qualifications and Experience:
- School Certificate;
- A Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management or any related qualification;
- A member of the Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management;
- Minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience in Human Resource Management at middle management level;
The detailed Job Descriptions can be DOWNLOADED HERE
Interested candidates meeting the above specifications should apply enclosing their CVs and certified copies of qualifications using the form opposite or in writing to The Director and Chief Executive Officer Zambia Qualifications Authority Finsbury Park, Kabwe Roundabout P O Box 51103 LUSAKA
The closing date for receiving applications is Friday, 24th July 2020.

P.O. Box 51103, Finsbury Park, Ground Floor,
Kabwe Round-About, Lusaka, Zambia
- +260 211 843 053
- +260 963 922 730
- +260 972 559 301
Open Monday - Friday 0800h - 1700h
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