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ZAQA participates at the 2nd Forum of National Qualifications Framework Institutions in Luanda, Republic of Angola

The 2nd NQF Forum is one of the training programmes, dialogue and peer-to-peer sharing workshops facilitated by the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF-II) in collaboration with the European Training Foundation (ETF).

The main themes explored at the 2nd NQF Forum include:

  • Addressing policies and practices on evolving qualifications frameworks.
  • Digitilisation of qualifications management.
  • Kick-off the pilot project of referencing National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) to the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF).
  • Quality assurance for mutual trust, policies and tools for lifelong learning related to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Credit Accumulation and Transfer Systems (CATS) as well as Micro-credentials
  • Greening of qualifications and NQFs, orientations and governance of qualifications in a changing world

ZAQA gave its report on the referencing of the Zambia Qualifications Framework (ZQF) to the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF) which provided an in-depth discussion of the referencing exercise of the ZQF to ACQF and the learning achievements in Zambia across its three sub-frameworks as well as the quality assurance processes that support the implementation of the ZQF.

The Director General, Mrs. Mercy M Ngoma shares a light moment with Edgarda Sacramento Neto, the General Manager at the National Institute of Qualifications of Angola


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